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Resumen de Separation and characterization of the antioxidant active component from Maillard reaction products in xylose-lysine system

Zhang Luyan, Shi Guoqing, Zhang Yan, Zhou Pengfei, Zhang Yinliang

  • Maillard reaction products (MRPs) play a crucial role in preserving food quality due to their antioxidant capacity. In this study, we isolated and characterized the antioxidant components from MRPs using a xylose-lysine system under optimal conditions. Methylene chloride and ethyl acetate were employed for sequential extractions, and the ethyl acetate phase underwent thin-layer chromatography and silica column separation. The identified compound, 3-hydroxy-4-methyl-2(5 H)-furanone (3H4MFN), was analyzed using FT-IR, GC-MS, and NMR, revealing its volatile nature with a chemical formula of C5H6O3. Further activity analysis demonstrated that 3H4MFN exhibited higher or comparable antioxidant activity to vitamin C (VC) and vitamin B6 (VB6). This newly discovered compound shows potential as a natural antioxidant in cosmetics, food, and nutraceutical applications.

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