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Resumen de Expression of VEGF and CD68 in the Placenta of Gestational Diabetic Mothers (Immunohistochemistry and Ultrastructural Study)

Dilek Yavuz, D Balsak, Cenap Ekinci, A. E Tahaoglu, Cihan Togrul, N Görük, A. Aktas, E Karaman

  • español

    La angiogénesis de la placenta es esencial para el desarrollo embrionario y fetal. En este estudio, se incluyeron 18 casos de diabetes mellitus gestacional (DMG) y 22 embarazos de control. En grupos los de DMG en comparación con el control, se detectaron valores significativamente mayores (p<0,01) en los siguientes parámetros histológicos que fueron evaluados: inmadurez vellosa, chorangiosis, presencia de nodos sincicial, infiltración celular isquémica mononuclear y necrosis fibrinoide. La investigación de las placentas de mujeres con DMG, reveló mediante el examen en términos de angiogénesis, macrófagos y ultraestructural, la posible relación entre las complicaciones fetales.

  • English

    Placental angiogenesis, is essential for embryonic and fetal development. In this study, 18 gestational diabetes mellitus and 22 control pregnancies were included. Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) groups compared to the control group significantly higher values were detected (p<0.01). The following histological results were assessed; villous immaturity, chorangiosis, presence of, sncytial knots,mononuclear cell infiltration ischemia and fibrinoid necrosis. To evaluate and compare the placental histology of normal and GDM pregnancies. placentas of pregnant women with gestational diabetes also in terms of angiogenesis and macrophages and ultratructural revealed by examining the possible relationship between fetal complications were investigated.

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