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Resumen de Evolución tectosedimentaria de la Fm. Blesa (Cretácico Inferior) en el entorno del yacimiento de vertebrados de La Cantalera (Josa, Teruel)

José Ignacio Ruiz Omeñaca, Marcos Aurell Cardona, Beatriz Bádenas Lago, José Ignacio Canudo Sanagustín

  • Geological mapping and facies analysis of the jurassic-Lower Cretaceous units located around the La Cantalera fossil site (Josa locality, Teruel Province, NE Spain), has allowed a precise reconstruction of a continental sedimentary basin developed around the Hauterivian-Barremian turnover. The first stage of evolution of the basin was controlled by intense normal fault activity and resulted in the formation of an isolated basin, surrounded by limestone-marly relief. The existen ce of a non-permanent water marshy area, with an important vegetated area, explain the abundance and diversity of the fossil remains in the studied locality.

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