



Service-learning has spread significant­ly in higher education in recent decades. Its effects in the academic field (students and teachers) and in the community (disadvan­taged groups at risk of social exclusion and socio-educational partners) are backed by re­search. However, few works have considered the evaluation of these projects, and there are few instruments available for guiding their de­velopment and for assessing their quality. The aim of this study is to develop criteria to eval­uate university service-learning projects. To do so, we used the Delphi method with three rounds of expert consultation. The result is a university service-learning, indicator matrix with 9 dimensions and 43 indicators. We con­clude that, as well as evaluating the quality of service-learning projects, this instrument could also be valid for validating social inno­vation from the educational sphere. The prin­cipal limitations to overcome are the still-ex­isting welfare perspective and difficulties with involving the recipients of the service.

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Author Biography

Elena López-de-Arana Prado. As­sociate Professor at the Universidad Autó­noma de Madrid. PhD in Humanities and Education in the Entities of the Future from the Universidad de Mondragon. Her lines of research focus on improvement processes in educational centres, teacher training (practicum, ICTs, etc.), social jus­tice and service-learning. She has led seve­ral projects on university service-learning.


Fernando Martínez-Muñoz. Asso­ciate Professor at the Department of Physi­cal Education, Sport and Human Motricity of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. His field of research is related to formati­ve assessment and active methodologies in Physical Education, with special interest in service-learning and the development of physical-sports activities in the natural environment. He is currently a member of RIADIS, REEFNAT and REFyCE.


María Teresa Calle-Molina. Assis­tant Professor at the Department of Physi­cal Education, Sport and Human Motricity at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Her lines of research focus on the history of sport and Olympism, physical activi­ty and people with intellectual disabili­ties and service-learning. Member of the National Research Network on Service- Learning in Physical Activity and Sport for Social Inclusion (RIADIS).


Raquel Aguado-Gómez. PhD in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences. She works in the Department of Physical Education, Sport and Human Motricity of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Edu­cation of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. She is a member of the GEDAF Research Group, of the Research Network on Service-Learning in Physical Activity and Sport for Social Inclusion, and of the team of the UNESCO Chair in Education for Social Justice.


Mª Luisa Santos-Pastor. Lecturer at the Universidad Autónoma de Ma­drid. PhD in Physical Education from the Universidad de Valladolid. Her field of research is related to university servi­ce-learning, formative assessment and ac­tive methodologies, as well as in the field of physical activities in the natural envi­ronment. She has supervised six doctoral theses. She coordinates the Research Net-work on Service-Learning in Physical Ac­tivity and Sport for Social Inclusion of the Consejo Superior de Deportes (Call 2019, 2020 and 2022).


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Palabras clave | Keywords

Delphi method, instrument, quality of programs, service-learning