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Resumen de La patria primera. Hombres de fecunda labor

Jorge Arroyo Pérez

  • español

    A partir de investigaciones históricas, el dramaturgo Jorge Arroyo creó una serie de obras sobre hechos y personajes de Costa Rica en el siglo XIX. Junto con el actor Roberto Zeledón, crearon un producto teatral didáctico en torno a los Jefes de Estado nacionales, en procura de realizar giras por escuelas, colegios y comunidades del país. El presente artículo es una bitácora analítica de las presentaciones realizadas en los dos primeros años del proyecto

  • English

    Based on historical investigations, the playwrigth Jorge Arroyo created a series of plays about the main historical facts and characters of Costa Rica in the XIX Century. Along with the actor Roberto Zeledón, they created a play about the lifes of the costarican Chiefs of State. They travelled abroad the country presenting it in several schools and educational centers, as well as private and public Institutions. This article is an analitic logbook of the performances that took place in Costa Rica during the last two years

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