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Resumen de Insatisfação com a imagem corporal de meninas de 11 a 14 anos de idade

Paula Bortoluzzi de Carli, Pedro Pugliesi Abdalla, Dalmo Roberto Lopes Machado, Gustavo André Borges

  • English

    The study analyzed the body image satisfaction of girls from different age groups of a private school of Marechal Candido Rondon - Pr. The sample consisted of 82 girls, aged between 11 and 14 years. Anthropometric measurements of body mass and height were obtained for the determination of body mass index (BMI). The Kakeshita body scale was used to evaluate body image satisfaction. Comparisons of the proportions of BMI classifications, satisfaction with body image and the desire to increase or reduce body scale were performed between the age groups, with the binomial test. The same variables had their proportions compared between the age groups with the chi-square test (χ2). All analyzes were performed with a previously established level of significance (α = 0.05). The results showed that 63.8% of the girls studied had BMI within the expected range and only 36% presented with overweight (p = 0.001) and obesity (p <0.001). However, 81.7% (p <0.001) of the girls were dissatisfied with their bodies, and 91.0% (p <0.05) wished to be with leaner bodies. Based on the results, most of the girls showed dissatisfaction with their body image.

  • português

    O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a satisfação com a imagem corporal entre meninas de diferentes grupos etários de um colégio privado de Marechal Cândido Rondon - Pr. A amostra foi constituída por 82 meninas, com idades entre 11 e 14 anos. Medidas antropométricas de massa corporal e estatura foram obtidas para a determinação do índice de massa corporal (IMC) para classificação do estado nutricional. A escala da silhueta de Kakeshita (2008) foi utilizada para avaliar a satisfação da imagem corporal. As comparações entre classificações do IMC, satisfação com a imagem corporal e o desejo de alteração da silhueta foram realizadas com o teste binomial para todas as idades. Para as comparações dessas variáveis entre grupos etários, recorreu-se ao teste do Qui-quadrado (χ2) de comparação de proporções. Todas as análises foram realizadas com nível de significância previamente estabelecido (α=0,05). Os resultados mostraram que 63,8% das meninas estudadas se encontravam com o IMC dentro do esperado e apenas 36,2% apresentaram excesso de peso (p=0,001) ou obesidade (p<0,001). Mesmo assim, 81,7% (p<0,001) delas mostraram-se insatisfeitas, sendo que destas, 91% (p<0,05) desejavam estar com silhuetas menores, especialmente dentre as mais velhas (p<0,001). O estudo indicou forte tendência de as meninas apresentarem insatisfação cada vez maior da sua imagem corporal à medida que avançam na idade adolescente.Dissatisfaction with the the body image of girls from 11 to 14 years oldAbstract:The study analyzed the body image satisfaction of girls from different age groups of a private school of Marechal Candido Rondon - Pr. The sample consisted of 82 girls, aged between 11 and 14 years. Anthropometric measurements of body mass and height were obtained for the determination of body mass index (BMI). The Kakeshita body scale was used to evaluate body image satisfaction. Comparisons of the proportions of BMI classifications, satisfaction with body image and the desire to increase or reduce body scale were performed between the age groups, with the binomial test. The same variables had their proportions compared between the age groups with the chi-square test (χ2). All analyzes were performed with a previously established level of significance (α = 0.05). The results showed that 63.8% of the girls studied had BMI within the expected range and only 36.2% presented with overweight (p = 0.001) and obesity (p<0.001). However, 81.7% (p<0.001) of the girls were dissatisfied with their bodies, and 91% (p<0.05) wished to be with leaner bodies. Based on the results, most of the girls showed dissatisfaction with their body image.

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