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Resumen de Diagnóstico y soluciones a los problemas de olores en la E.D.A.R. de Monte Orgegia (Alicante) mediante técnicas de olfatometría

Ignacio Valor, Carolina Cortada, Enrique Uribarri, Carlos Suárez

  • The problem of odour nuisances affects our society more and more each day There are many activities that generate bad odours, such as wastewater treatment plants, municipal waste treatment plants, industries, etc. These problems are difficult to solve as the solutions must be based on the knowledge of odour origin and intensity Olfactometry techniques establish a relation between the origin of odours (generation and emission) and the nuisance caused in the surroundings (inmissi0n). In this paper, a recent study for the identification of odour problems and the proposed of the solutions in a wastewater treatment plant in Alicante (Spain) using the olfactometry techniques is shown.

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