New records for the northern naked-tailed armadillo Cabassous centralis (Cingulata: Dasypodidae) in tropical dry forests of the department of sucre, Colombian caribbean

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Cristian A. Cruz-Rodríguez
Luisa Larrotta
José F. González-Maya
Diego Zárrate-Charry
Amancay De Atacama Cepeda
Sergio A. Balaguera-Reina
Cristal Ange-Jaramillo
Alejandro Zamora


The Northern naked-tailed armadillo Cabassous centralis is distributed from México to Ecuador (0-3 000 m asl) in numerous habitats from dry forests to subparamo, tolerating some habitat modification and mixed landscapes including agriculture. Despite its wide range, there is still little known about the species’ ecology, based on a few confirmed records, and it is underrepresented in collections. Here we present the first confirmed records for the species in the Sucre Department of Colombia, through a photograph and a track recorded as part of an intensive field sampling effort. These new records provide insights into the species’ ecology, rarity, presence, and potential tolerance to moderate disturbance.

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