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Resumen de El problema científico de una investigación, el resultado de afinar una idea

Carlos Carballo, Laydis Iglesias Triana, Roberto Isbel Morejón Quintana

  • español

    Todo proceso de Investigación Científica está orientado a la solución de problemas científicos los que se formulan conscientemente y cuya solución debe ser alcanzada en el curso de la investigación. En el siguiente trabajo se ofrece una vía de cómo transitar en una investigación científica desde la situación inicial que motiva al investigador a realizarla, hasta el planteamiento de una idea inicial, la que finalmente a través de un proceso de afinación se traducirá en el problema de la investigación. Se mostrarán ejemplos desde las ciencias pedagógicas y otras áreas del saber que permitiránvisualizar en la práctica dicho proceder.

  • English

    The complexity of the process of the professionals' of the Education formation demands from a correct modulation of the process of teaching-learning of the different disciplines, given the formative vital space its systematic level and its potentialities to develop aprocess of teaching learning from the structuring of educational tasks that you/they allow to reveal the significance of the content that he/she memorizes and the transformation associated of alternative conceptions, specifically, to the system of subjective knowledgein the process. The proposal was based on the materialistic dialectical method as methodological scientific base and methods of the theoretical, empiric level as induction deduction, documental analysis, observation, proves pedagogic and descriptive statistic,what allowed analyzing the study object, its causes, relationships and development tendencies. As objective of the present work, he/she intends to implement actions that contribute to the elaboration of educational tasks that is summed up in the transformation of alternative conceptions of learning. The actions developed for theelaboration of educational tasks propitiated the transformation of alternative conceptions of learning and their consequent impact in the professional formation.

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