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Resumen de Evaluating student engagement with digital resources

Edward Venn

  • Literature on student engagement that treats the phenomenon as a multi-dimensional constructtends by necessity to adopt a holistic approach to the subject. This paper draws on insights fromthis body of work into dimensions of engagement to present two small-scale case studies exploringparticular patterns of student engagement with digital and on-line resources.The first of these studies concerns the results of a questionnaire distributed to first and secondyear Music students (n = 73) to collect data about their experiences of, and perceived agency, withrespect to online resources. The findings point to the benefits of educators constructing learningenvironments in which students can exercise learning autonomy. The second case study exploresbehavioural and cognitive engagement with blended learning resources within a particular learningdesign. Examination of data analytics and student interviews reveals a moderate correlation betweenstudent engagement with online resources and attainment, but also identifies areas for concern andfuture development.

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