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Resumen de Perspectives, scope and meanings of scientific initiation in scientific productions

Marilene Batista da Cruz Nascimento, Marilia Morosini

  • The objective of this study is to discuss the perspectives, scope and meanings of scientific initiation (SI) in the productions of the National Post Graduate Education Association (ANPEd) and the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes), in the period from 2008 to 2015. It is a qualitative research, of the state of knowledge type, that allows to identify contradictions and characteristics not studied or little explored. The results evidenced an expressiveness of the publications focused on university education when related to research and professional experiences. There are also debates about the epistemologies of science, production and diffusion of knowledge with emphasis on the implications in the national scenario, corroborating for the advancement of education by indicating ways to reevaluate science policies and institutional strategies.

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