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Resumen de Association between dietary patterns and altered mammographic findings

Leandro Teixeira Cacau, Helena Alves de Carvalho Sampaio, Antônio Augusto Ferreira Carioca, Ilana Nogueira Bezerra, Daianne Cristina Rocha, Ana Luiza de Rezende Ferreira Mendes, Paulo Henrique Diógenes Vasques, Luiz Gonzaga Porto Pinheiro

  • Introduction: Breast cancer is one of the main types ofcancer in women. Previous studies assessed the relationshipbetween diet and breast cancer risk, however, studies thatevaluate the relationship between diet and mammographicfindings are scarce. Aim: To evaluate the association between dietary patternsand mammographic findings of women monitored by a mas-tology service of the Brazilian Unified Health System. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional study that eval-uated data from 504 women. Two 24-hour dietary recallswere applied and dietary patterns were identified by principalcomponent factor analysis. The mammography reports wereclassified into normal and altered mammographic findings.Logistic regression models were applied to evaluate the asso-ciation between dietary patterns and mammographic findings.The analyses were performed in the software Stata and R andconsidered significant values of p <0.05. Results: Three dietary patterns was identified: “traditionalBrazilian” (rice, beans, red meat, breads, oils and fats andcoffees and teas), “Western” (sugar sweetened beverages,eggs, cakes, pies and cookies, fast-food snacks and, sweetsand desserts) and “prudent” (whole grains, fruits, vegetables,tubers and their products, dairy and chicken). Women withless adherence (OR 0.54 CI 95% 0.30:0.95) to the “traditionalBrazilian” dietary pattern had 46% lower odds for having al-tered mammographic findings. No associations were foundbetween “Western” and “prudent” dietary patterns with mam-mographic findings. Discussion: The “traditional Brazilian” dietary patterncharacterized by typical Brazilian foods such as rice andbeans, was inversely associated with altered mammographicfindings. This showed that women who have less adherenceto this pattern had lower odds for having this outcome. Conclusion: We observed that women with less adher-ence to the “traditional Brazilian” pattern had lower odds foraltered mammographic findings. We suggest that furtherstudies should be performed, preferably with a longitudinaland case-control design.

Fundación Dialnet

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