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Resumen de O Consello de Guerra a Benigno Andrade García (a) Foucellas: ¿xuízo a un guerrilleiro ou ao "foucellismo"?

Lupe Martínez

  • galego

    Este artigo trata de abordar o xuízo ao guerrilleiro antifranquista Benigno Andrade García (a) Foucellas, e pretende facelo traspasando a barreira descritiva para refutar ou corroborar se ese Consello de Guerra foi outro máis dos xuízos aos que se vían sometidos os fuxidos que, en vez de morrer nas refregas coas forzas da orde, eran detidos e xulgados, ou se ben foi convenientemente instrumentalizado para xulgar a todo o "bandoleirismo" en bloque. Para elo, recorreuse preferentemente á causa xudicial aberta ao guerrilleiro, analizada en profundidade e situada no momento histórico que 1952 representaba para a loita armada, amén dun par de traballos (un deles da autora) que xa repararan na vida e obra do guerrilleiro. Faise pois, tras un pequeno exordio, un repaso pola vida de fuxido de Foucellas, pola súa detención, polas accións nas que se viu complicado e, por fin, polo xuízo ao que foi sometido. Finalmente, tendo en conta as condicións da súa detención, o tempo no que ocorreu, e a propia natureza e tratamento do xuízo, parece confirmarse que non só se xulgou ao home, senón tamén o fenómeno.

  • English

    This article tries to address the trial of anti-Franco guerrilla fighter Benigno Andrade García (a) Foucellas, and intends to do so by crossing the descriptive barrier to refute or corroborate if that War Council was another one of the trials to which the escaped were subjected, instead of dying in the fray with law enforcement, they were arrested and tried, or if it was conveniently instrumentalized to judge all "banditry" in block. For this purpose, the judicial case open to the guerrilla is used, ana- lyzed in depth and located in the historical moment that 1952 represented for the armed struggle, in addition to a couple of works (one of them by the author) that will be repaired in the life and work of the guerrilla. It is then, after a small introduction, a review of Foucellas's life of escape, his arrest, the actions in which he was complicated and, finally, the trial to which he was subjected. Finally, taking into account the conditions of his detention, the time in which it occurred, and the nature and treatment of the trial, it seems to be confirmed that not only the man was judged, but also the phenomenon.

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