Analysis of Socioeconomic Vulnerability to Climate Events in the Cantons Santa Elena and La Libertad

  • Juan Diego Valenzuela Cobos Universidad Estatal de Milagro, Ecuador
  • Fabricio Guevara Viejó Universidad Estatal de Milagro, Ecuador
  • Mónica Villamar Aveiga Universidad Estatal de Milagro, Ecuador
  • Verónica Monserrate Maggie Universidad Estatal de Milagro, Ecuador
Keywords: Climate events, sectors, vulnerable


The manifestation of the various climatic events that have occurred in Ecuador has caused numerous economic and human losses. Through this study, it was possible to determine the vulnerable sectors of the Santa Elena and La Libertad cantons, by evaluating physical, human and social factors. The research was analyzed based on a historical data that includes the years from 1970 to 2010, in addition to the census data of the INEC at the national level, from which those pertinent to the cantons studied were taken. The result obtained determined that the sector with the greatest socioeconomic vulnerability was located in the canton of La Libertad in the sector of the La Libertad Refinery facilities, near the Plaza de La Libertad.



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How to Cite
Valenzuela Cobos, J. D., Guevara Viejó, F., Villamar Aveiga, M., & Monserrate Maggie, V. (2021). Analysis of Socioeconomic Vulnerability to Climate Events in the Cantons Santa Elena and La Libertad. Ecuadorian Science Journal, 5(4), 121-129.
Research Paper
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