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Resumen de Medición del espesor de nieve a muy larga distancia mediante un Láser Escáner Terrestre en el Pirineo Aragonés

Jesús Revuelto Benedí, J. López Moreno, César Azorín Molina, S.M. Vicente Serrano, P. Sánchez Navarrete, S. Fontaneda

  • Snow dynamics in mountain terrain is highly variable in space and time. To increase the knowledge of those processes that govern snow distribution, is highly interesting from a scientific and applied point of view. This work presents the particularities of applying LiDAR technology in mountain terrain to measure snow depth distribution, using a very long range Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) at the Balneario de Panticosa study site in central Spanish Pyrenees. Applying a well-established protocol enables to obtain the snow depth distribution, at ranges from 1200 to 3000 m from the device, with a high degree of confidence when compared with manual measurements with an estimated error of 0.5m. Five snow depth distribution maps obtained in 2013 snow season show the snow depth distribution evolution of a 150 ha study site, with an average resolution of 0.67 points per square meter.

Fundación Dialnet

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