Out-of-pocket and catastrophic expenses in households of patients with schizophrenia lacking social security


  • Hortensia Reyes-Morales Centro de Investigación en Sistemas de Salud, Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública. Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico.
  • Héctor Cabello-Rangel Programa de Maestría y Doctorado en Ciencias Médicas, Odontológicas y de la Salud. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Mexico City, Mexico.
  • María Elena Medina-Mora Centro de Investigación en Salud Mental Global, Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatría. Mexico City, Mexico.
  • Armando Arredondo-López Centro de Investigación en Sistemas de Salud, Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública. Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico.



Palabras clave:

out-of-pocket expenses, catastrophic expenses, impoverishment, schizophrenia


Objective. To estimate the magnitude of out-of-pocket (OOP) and catastrophic health expenses as well as impo­verishment experienced by households of schizophrenia patients lacking social security coverage. Materials and methods. We conducted a cross-sectional study of 96 individuals treated outpatient consultation between February and December 2018, in a psychiatric hospital. Results. All households sustained OOP health expenses; the median was 510 USD (95%CI: 456-628). The OOP expenses represented 28 and 4% of the capacity to pay of poor and rich households, respectively. The 16% of households incurred catastrophic expenses and 6.6% have impoverishment for health reasons. Conclusions. Our results illustrate that pocket expenses and catastrophic expenses in patients with schizophrenia are higher than those reported for the general population. There­fore, it is necessary to rethink the financial protection policies aimed at patients with schizophrenia and their households.


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Cómo citar

Reyes-Morales H, Cabello-Rangel H, Medina-Mora ME, Arredondo-López A. Out-of-pocket and catastrophic expenses in households of patients with schizophrenia lacking social security. Salud Publica Mex [Internet]. 3 de junio de 2021 [citado 26 de abril de 2024];63(4):547-53. Disponible en: https://saludpublica.mx/index.php/spm/article/view/12252



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