Factors associated with delays in the search for care in under-5 deaths in Yucatán, Mexico


  • Bernardo Hernández-Prado Department of Health Metrics Sciences, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. Seattle, United States.
  • Elsa María Rodríguez-Angulo Centro de Investigaciones Regionales Hideyo Noguchi, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. Mérida, Mexico.
  • Erin B Palmisano Department of Health Metrics Sciences, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. Seattle, United States.
  • Ricardo Ojeda-Rodríguez Centro de Investigaciones Regionales Hideyo Noguchi, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. Mérida, Mexico.
  • Rafael Javier Ojeda-Baranda Hospital General Agustín O ‘Horan, Servicios de Salud del Estado de Yucatán. Mérida, Mexico.
  • María Guadalupe Andueza-Pecha Centro de Investigaciones Regionales Hideyo Noguchi, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. Mérida, Mexico.
  • Louisa M Johnson Department of Health Metrics Sciences, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. Seattle, United States.
  • Alan Chen NYU Grossman School of Medicine, Department of Population Health. New York, United States.
  • Casey Johanns Department of Health Metrics Sciences, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. Seattle, United States.
  • Neal Marquez Department of Sociology, University of Washington. Seattle, United States.
  • Aruna M Kamath Department of Anesthesiology, University of Washington. Seattle, United States.
  • Joseph N Camarda Department of Health Metrics Sciences, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. Seattle, United States.
  • Abraham D Flaxman Department of Health Metrics Sciences, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. Seattle, United States.



Palabras clave:

child mortality, neonatal mortality, autopsy


Objective. We examined delays during the search for care and associations with mother, child, or health services characteristics, and with symptoms reported prior to death. Materials and methods. Cross-sectional study compris­ing household interviews with 252 caregivers of children under-5 who died in the state of Yucatán, Mexico, during 2015-2016. We evaluated the three main delays: 1) time to identify symptoms and start search for care, 2) transport time to health facility, and 3) wait time at health facility. Results. Children faced important delays including a mean time to start the search for care of 4.1 days. The mean transport time to the first facility was longer for children enrolled in Seguro Popular and there were longer wait times at public facilities, especially among children who also experienced longer travel time. Conclusions. Providing resources to enable caregiv­ers to access health services in a timely manner may reduce delays in seeking care.


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Cómo citar

Hernández-Prado B, Rodríguez-Angulo EM, Palmisano EB, Ojeda-Rodríguez R, Ojeda-Baranda RJ, Andueza-Pecha MG, Johnson LM, Chen A, Johanns C, Marquez N, Kamath AM, Camarda JN, Flaxman AD. Factors associated with delays in the search for care in under-5 deaths in Yucatán, Mexico. Salud Publica Mex [Internet]. 20 de mayo de 2021 [citado 30 de abril de 2024];63(4):498-50. Disponible en: https://saludpublica.mx/index.php/spm/article/view/12216



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