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Resumen de Teoría literaria latinoamericana en Argentina. Lecturas, debates, ¿crisis?

Silvana F. Santucci

  • español

    Instamos a algunos profesores argentinos de diversas generaciones y universidades a escribir sobre la existencia de una Teoría Literaria Latinoamericana. Quienes integran el número se sumaron a sostener, definir, cuestionar, actualizar, historizar y documentar distintos aspectos de la ficción de objeto que le interesa a nuestra investigación posdoctoral. Una ficción que, marcadamente política y a la vez pretenciosa, contempla el abordaje teórico de su propia tópica generalizadora: América Latina, trazando una serie de sentidos que excede las tramas cristalizadas por las miradas nacionales de los fenómenos literarios.


  • English

    We urge some argentinean professors of different generations and at various universities to write about the existence of a Latin American Literary Theory. Those who write in this issue joined in to sustain, define, question, update, historicize, and document different aspects of the object fiction that is the interest of our post-doctoral research. A fiction that, markedly political and at the same time pretentious, contemplates the theoretical approach of its own generalizing topic: Latin America constructed in a totalizing fashion, but that in its constituent impossibility allows the discovery of particularities that exert a plus in meaning that exceeds the frames crystallized by the national views of literary phenomena.

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