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Resumen de Procesos y cambio reciente en llanos de inundación y lagos costeros Mediterráneos. El margen septentrional de la Albufera de Valencia

Pilar Carmona González, José Miguel Ruiz Pérez, María José Berlanga Palomo

  • Geomorphological processes and recent environmental changes in the northern margin of the Albufera of Valencia in the Spanish Mediterranean coast are analyzed. The results allow to characterize a geomorphological model composed of various fluvial and coastal lagoons sub-environments: marshes, lagoons, inland deltas, basins, flood plains and fluvial levees. Geomorphological processes are related to progradation of fluvial floodplains and inland deltas. Climatic fluctuations of the Little Ice Age and human action may be related to the process of conversion of the medieval brackish albufera in a freshwater lagoon.

Fundación Dialnet

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