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Resumen de Habitat humano y espacio funerario durante la Prehistoria reciente en el valle del Segura: el yacimiento de Casa Noguera de Archivel (Caravaca de la Cruz, Murcia)

David Álvarez Alonso, María de Andrés Herrero, Julio A. Rojo Hernández, M. Amalio Valles Fernández

  • In this paper we develop a geoarchaeological approach to Casa Noguera’s site. Most interesting archaeological structures documented were post holes showing evidences of a circular cabin, as well as several pits and silos. In some of these last structures, Bronze Age human remains were documented overlapping to the Chalcolithic horizon. The use of the structures documented in Casa Noguera by prehistoric human groups began during the final part of Neolithic period and the beginning of Chalcolithic, and carrying on during Bronze Age and Iron Age. Roman evidences had been also documented in Casa Noguera’s site.

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