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Resumen de Experimental reproduction of acute pneumonic pasteurellosis in rabbits

Eloy Redondo García, Antonio Javier Masot Gómez-Landero, Antonio Gázquez Ortiz, Vicente Roncero Cordero, María Esther Durán Flórez, Segundo Píriz Durán

  • A histomorphometric and physiopathological study was made of the lung parenchyma of Belgian White SPF rabbits infected experimentally with Pasteurella multocida type A.

    Symptoms observed were characteristic of the acute respiratory syndrome. Mean serum cortisol concentration and rectal temperature increased in al1 experimental groups.

    Histopathological changes included alveolitis and leukocytic bronchitis. Changes in alveolar and bronchial cytoarchitecture were attributed to the degeneration and necrosis of constituent epithelial cells.

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