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Resumen de Estudio geoarqueológico de la secuencia estratigráfica del yacimiento Los Graneros: Achelense pleno en el Valle del Guadalquivir

J.A. Caro, Fernando Díaz del Olmo, M. Cañete, C. Borja, José Manuel Recio Espejo

  • A geoarchaeological study of the fluvial deposits from the Los Graneros archaeological site is carried out, located in the High Terraces of the Guadalquivir Complex (T9), at + 73-75 m. We have analyzed a sequence with 5 different sediment phases: alluvialconglomeratic, fluvial-lacustrine, alluvial-rill, alluvial with lateral incision, alluvial stream and colluvium-alluvial. Some chronologies with OSL and U / Th techniques that define a temporal range between 350 k and 30 k and BP have been obtained. Finally, in relation to the lithic set and the chronologies obtained, Los Graneros deposit can be identified as a full Acheulean model, except for some of the cooler industries of the last period (Phase V), and the surface series, closest to the middle Paleolithic technocomplexes

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