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Resumen de Gestión y determinación de las materias primas líticas y cadenas operativas durante el magdaleniense inferior en la región cantábrica: el nivel g1 de la cueva de El Cierro (Ribadesella, Asturias)

Sergio Martín Jarque, Diego Herrero Alonso, A. Tarriño, David Álvarez Alonso, J. Bécares, Jesús Francisco Jordá Pardo, E. Álvarez Fernández

  • El Cierro Cave (Fresnu, Ribadesella, Asturias) is located at the mouth of the Sella River. It was discovered at the end of the fifties of the last century by F. Jordá Cerdá. In the different archaeological levels dating from the Mousterian to the Mesolithic (ca. 45,000-9,000 cal BP), highlights the great abundance ofbiotic and abiotic remains. In this communication, the first results of the analysis of lithic raw materials in general and flints in particular of the G1 level dating from the Lower Magdalenian (ca. 18,000 cal BP), as well as its first techno-typological data, are presented. This archaeological material was recovered during the campaigns of 1977-1979 (A. Gómez Fuentes y F. Jordá Cerdá) and 2014/2016 (E. Álvarez-Fernández)

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