
  • Fabio H. Sepúlveda-Murillo Faculty of Basic Sciences University of Medellin 050026 Medellin (Colombia)
  • Norely Margarita Soto-Builes Faculty offSocial andfHuman Sciences University offMedellin, Medellín 050026, Colombia
  • Marina Checa-Olivas Departamento de Teoría e Historia Económica Faculty of Economics Campus Cartuja, s/n 18071 Granada (Spain)
  • Jorge Chica-Olmo Department of Quantitative Methods for Economics Faculty of Economics Campus Cartuja, s/n 18071 Granada (Spain)



Quality of life, spatial variation, spatial clusteres, Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis, Medellín, Colombia.


The study of subjective welfare or quality of life perceived (QoL) is a topic of nowadays in the Social Sciences, due to the implications that these studies have for design and evaluation social and economic policies. This paper focuses in two tasks main: a) measure the QoL of the homes of the city of Medellin-Colombia, using conventional techniques multivariate statistics to produce an indicator; and b) by means of the indicator, analyze if the living standard of the Medellin’s homes is distributed randomly on the space or present a significant association of similar (dissimilar) values between near zones. The results show that QoL spatially varying distribution in the city of Medellin y que existen clústeres de barrios donde, de acuerdo a las variables del indicador considerado, se concentran la mejor y la peor calidad de vida percibida por sus ciudadanos. Estos resultados muestran que en las zonas centro-oeste y sureste de la ciudad se concentran las mejores condiciones, mientras que en el resto de la ciudad se encuentran las mayores necesidades.


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Administrative Department of Planning of the municipality of Medellin, Subdirección de Metroinformación, Observatorio de Políticas Públicas, Alcaldía de Medellín. Recuperado de http://

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