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Resumen de Estudio geológico-geotécnico y medidas de estabilización de la ladera del Miriñaque en la CN-323: Bailén-Motril (España)

J. A. Díez Torres, J. Estaire

  • This paper contains studies and analyses of the instability problems that affect the "El Miriñaque" Slope at Kilometre 173 on the CN - 323 Highway (Bailén - Motril, Spain). These problems are caused by landslides of different magnitudes, the most serious of which blocks frequently the highway at two points, making it necessary to repeatedly repair the road surface. Other slides that occurred closer to the surface over colluvial material have also encroached upon the road and caused dropout of blocks. A geological - geotechnical study of the slope was conducted and solutions to the problem are given.

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