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Resumen de Ideologies “ORDER – DISORDER” as an object of linguistic research

Aleksandr Ilyin, Aygul Zufarovna Ibatova, Larisa Vdovichenko, Alsu Linarovna Mirzagitova

  •  The paper deals with the problems of ideological language use. It also considers an ideologeme as a linguo-cognitive phenomenon. The definition of an ideologeme as a special cognitive unit which gives a specified ideological meaning and emotional content to a fact or an action and has an increased axiological degree, the characteristics of which depend on ideological positions, regulations and party instructions is given. On the basis of the research language material some language factors enabling transformation of usual lexical items into ideologemes are reported to be revealed. The authors also outline some specific features of lexical items “order – disorder” transformation into ideologemes. The conclusion drawn is that namely lexical and grammatical co-occurrence promotes their transformation into ideologemes.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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