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Aurora Grandal d’Anglade
University of A Coruña
Juan Ramón Vidal Romani
University of A Coruña
Vol. 40 (2018), Articles, pages 229-246
Submitted: Dec 21, 2018 Published: Dec 21, 2018
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Since the end of the Pleistocene, 12,700 years ago, dramatic effects are taking place all along the coastline of the coast of Galicia essentially due to a continuous rise in sea level along the coast with an average rate between 3mm and 3.5mm per year, which means an ascent from the beginning of the Holocene of approximately 40.95 meters. The immediate effect has been a progressive reduction in the width of a continental shelf covered by beaches and extensive dune fields. The shortening of the coastal sandy strip produced a migration towards the continent of the sandy deposits that were mobilized by the waves (beaches) and / or by the wind (dunes), as it usually happens. At the present time almost the previous maximum limit of the sea advance has been reached when the sea is located either at the base of the cliffy rocky coast or in front of freshwater mass (rivers or coastal lagoons) that temporarily slow down the advance of the dunes or the accumulation of beach sands. Nowadays the marine action proceeds to an accelerated destruction of the beaches where the first wind that excavates the storm corridors that the sea, during the storms, will use to invade the interior. In areas of rocky coast the accumulation of sand produces the characteristics of rampant or climbing dunes. In this paper we provide some very interesting data referring to the exhumation of the levels of ancient forests and associated fauna present at the beginning of the Holocene in the coastal strip, which now, ephemerally, are again exposed and then be destroyed definitively by the action wave.


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