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Resumen de Síndrome uveodermatológico en el perro

J.L. González Fraga, C. Fraile, Alfonso Rodríguez Álvaro, Eduardo Ricardo Rollán Landeras, Pilar Sagredo Rodríguez

  • español

    Se describe un caso de síndrome uveodermatológico en un perro Mastín español, macho, de 2 años. Los signos clínicos observados eran similares al síndrome de Vogt- Koyanagi-Harada humano y se caracterizaban por una uveitis asociada a una despigmentación y erosión cutánea y mucocutánea en cara, escroto, región perianal y almohadillas plantares. El estudio histopatológico reveló una dermatitis liquenoide, en la que predominaban los macrófagos. El tratamiento se basó en la administración oral de prednisona asociada a una terapia ocular tópica a base de atropina y corticosteroides. Al cabo de 8 meses las lesiones cutáneas y mucosas remitieron completamente. * A case of uveodermatologic syndrome in a male 2 year old, Spanish Mastiff is described. The clinical signs found, namely uvezitis associated with cutaneus and mucocutaneous depigmentation and erosions of the face, scrotum, perianal region and footpads, were similar to those of the human Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome. The histopathological study showed a lichenoid dermatitis with prevalence of macrophages. The treatment encompassed the administration of prednisone per os and topical ocular therapy with corticosteroids associated with atropin e. After 8 months the cutaneous and mucosal Iesions had completely remitted.

  • English

    A case of uveodermatologic syndrome in a male 2 year old, Spanish Mastiff is described. The clinical signs found, namely uvezitis associated with cutaneus and mucocutaneous depigmentation and erosions of the face, scrotum, perianal region and footpads, were similar to those of the human Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome. The histopathological study showed a lichenoid dermatitis with prevalence of macrophages. The treatment encompassed the administration of prednisone per os and topical ocular therapy with corticosteroids associated with atropin e. After 8 months the cutaneous and mucosal Iesions had completely remitted.

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