Popular Catholic education in Spain: From charity and assistance to social commitment (1953-1967)

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Pere Fullana Puigserver


Popular Catholic education appears in  relation to Catholic propaganda and as a means to neutralize secular schooling,  a socializing  and moralizing model for popular clases, within the framework of the Catholic movement.  Franco, during the first stage of the regime , gave the Church control of  education.   During the 1950s and 1960s Catholic schools were associated  to middle clases,   while keeping a strong presence in the offering of  free elementary  schooling. Begining in 1945, diverse sectors within  Spanish Catholicism committed to pastoral  social work  intensified their social immersion and popular education grew in light of  that  commitment.  Education would be a fundamental component of a pastoral model that became increasingly social and also efficient. Popular educational practices moved from charity and assistentialism to the arena of social commitment in order to reach the weakest and those far away. These practices  led to new commitments such as  special education, emancipation of women, recreation, adult education.

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Part II: Catholic education at the intersection with the “long 1960s"