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Resumen de Students’ perceptions about the use of case based learning during dissections in an Indian medical college

Uma SV, Nachiket Shankar

  • A good knowledge of anatomy is essential to ensure safe and efficient clinical practice. The Medical Council of India (MCI) in its ‘Vision 2015’ document emphasized the need for early clinical exposure (ECE) and recommended that there should be sufficient clinical exposure and an integration of basic sciences with the laboratory and clinical sciences. Literature shows that clinical case scenarios can encourage student learning and motivate them for self-directed learning. The aim was to introduce case-based learning during dissection in anatomy by formulating clinical case scenarios with focused questions based on the applied anatomy related to the dissected region. Hundred and fifty first-year medical students were divided as six groups of 25 each. One group was exposed to four paper-based clinical scenarios in each of the regions that were dissected, namely the upper limb, lower limb, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, head and neck and neuroanatomy. Group discussions were subsequently conducted by the faculty. Anonymous feedback regarding students’ perceptions of various aspects of case based learning (CBL) were obtained through a questionnaire designed for this purpose. The reliability of the questionnaire was found to be satisfactory (Cronbach’s alpha of 0.70). Almost all students felt that CBL helped them in understanding the subject, more than 95% were motivated to learn anatomy and recommended the method for future dissections and more than 90% felt that CBL was interesting and interactive. To conclude, anatomy will be better understood, retained and practically applied if the clinical significance is highlighted using case-based scenarios in teaching.

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