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Resumen de Reflexiones sobre la migración de científicos argentinos hacia los Estados Unidos. ¿Es pertinente el modelo centro-periferia para analizarla?

María Verónica Moreno

  • español

    Este artículo procura aportar a las discusiones sobre migración calificada a partir de la reflexión de los aspectos apuntados por la escuela de la dependencia. Para ello, se indagó en la experiencia de científicos de ciencias exactas y naturales, adultos (entre 34 y 54 años) y ocupados, que migraron hacia los Estados Unidos (EE.UU.) para realizar un doctorado o postdoctorado y luego regresaron a Argentina. Se implementó una estrategia metodológica cualitativa y se desarrollaron veinticinco entrevistas; veinte a científicos que atravesaron esta experiencia, tres a otros que tuvieron diferentes vivencias migratorias y dos a informantes clave. Este trabajo buscará repensar en qué medida el enfoque centro-periferia resulta adecuado para abordar el fenómeno y discutir la pertinencia de algunos de sus aspectos teóricos. AbstractThis article seeks to contribute to discussions regarding skilled migration through the reflection on some aspects outlined by the dependency school. It analyzes the experience of scientists, from exact and natural sciences, employed and adults (between 34 and 54 years old), who migrated to the United States to do a PhD or postdoc and then returned to Argentina. A qualitative methodological strategy was implemented since it is privileged to understand the subjective meaning that actors give to the phenomenon. Twenty-five interviews were conducted; twenty people who actually lived this journey, three scientists who had other migratory experiences and two key informants. This paper seeks to rethink how much the center-periphery approach is appropriate to address the phenomenon and discuss the relevance of certain theoretical aspects.

  • English

    This article seeks to contribute to discussions regarding skilled migration through the reflection on some aspects outlined by the dependency school. It analyzes the experience of scientists, from exact and natural sciences, employed and adults (between 34 and 54 years old), who migrated to the United States to do a PhD or postdoc and then returned to Argentina. A qualitative methodological strategy was implemented since it is privileged to understand the subjective meaning that actors give to the phenomenon. Twenty-five interviews were conducted; twenty people who actually lived this journey, three scientists who had other migratory experiences and two key informants. This paper seeks to rethink how much the center-periphery approach is appropriate to address the phenomenon and discuss the relevance of certain theoretical aspects.

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