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Resumen de A multimodal analysis of The Tale of Peter Rabbit within the interpersonal metafunction

Arsenio Jesús Moya Guijarro

  • español

    El objetivo de este artículo es realizar un análisis del significado interpersonal expresado por los modos verbal y visual utilizados en El Cuento de Peter Rabbit, escrito e ilustrado por Beatriz Potter. Los marcos teóricos en los que se basa la investigación son la Gramática Sistémico-Funcional de Hallliday y la Semiótica Visual de Kress y van Leeuwen. El análisis demuestra que, aunque la imagen y la palabra escrita se combinan en perfecta simbiosis para favorecer la interacción entre los personajes de ficción y el niño, las imágenes, gracias a las técnicas de perspectiva y distancia utilizadas, logran un mayor grado de contacto interpersonal e identificación entre el joven lector y los personajes del cuento que la lengua escrita.

  • English

    This study attempts to carry out an analysis of the interpersonal meanings conveyed by the verbal and the visual modes of The Tale of Peter Rabbit, while exploring the choices afforded to Beatrix Potter in creating engagement between the viewer / reader and the (represented) participants of the tale. The analytical tools employed in this study are Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar and Kress and van Leeuwen’s Visual Social Semiotics, which prove to be powerful models for the study of multimodal texts. The analysis of the interpersonal / interactive meaning of the verbal and visual elements in The Tale of Peter Rabbit reveals that both the verbiage and the illustrations combine to reinforce the reader’s / viewer’s identification with the main character in the story. The high presence of declarative clauses throughout the text demonstrates that the verbal component accompanying the pictures does not seem to encourage much interaction. However, other devices related to contact, distance and perspective reveal that the illustrator makes choices which do create a certain degree of affinity with the viewer.

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