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Resumen de Perspectiva histórica de la libertad creativa y el reconocimiento artístico en la industria del comic book estadounidense (1935-1986)

José Joaquín Rodríguez Moreno

  • español

    Las industrias culturales son negocios no convencionales que necesitan ofrecer incentivos particulares a sus empleados, entre ellos libertad creativa y reconocimiento artístico. Pese a ello, la industria del comic book se apoyó en un rígido sistema de producción que, durante sus primeras décadas de vida, daba poco o ningún reconocimiento a la mayoría de sus trabajadores. El presente artículo se adentra en las razones por las que ese primer sistema de trabajo comenzó a cambiar y el contexto que ayudó a dicha transformación. Para ello, analizamos el sistema de producción, las ventas y las propias impresiones del personal creativo.ABSTRACTCultural industries are nonconventional business which need to offer special incentives to their workers – creative freedom and recognition among them. Nonetheless, in its first decades of life the comic book industry used a rigid system of production and didn't give any recognition to most of its employees; it needed nearly thirty years to start to change to another production system. This text wants to know why that first system started to change, and what circumstances helped this change. In order to do it, we analyze the production system, the sales and the perspective of the creative staff.

  • English

    Cultural industries are nonconventional business which need to offer special incentives to their workers – creative freedom and recognition among them. Nonetheless, in its first decades of life the comic book industry used a rigid system of production and didn't give any recognition to most of its employees; it needed nearly thirty years to start to change to another production system. This text wants to know why that first system started to change, and what circumstances helped this change. In order to do it, we analyze the production system, the sales and the perspective of the creative staff.

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