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Resumen de Validación Inter-operador de Videobserver™

A.M. Fortes, M. A. Gómez, L. Hongyou, Javier Sampedro Molinuevo

  • español

    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the degree of interobserver reliability for the sport analysis company VIDEOBSERVER™. The football match corresponding to the 2014 World Cup final was used as the sample for the study. Data were collected on 28 players, including the actions of the goalkeepers and the players substituted during the match. This study was carried out in four phases: (i) a revision of the literature was performed to define the theoretical frame-work and the procedures to be followed; (ii) an observation system was created with the help of two experienced sports analysis technicians; (iii) a pilot study was carried out with the aim of verifying the operativity of the observation system; and (iv) the main study of inter-observer reliability was developed. The values of the kappa index, the standardized typical error and the intra-class correlation coefficient were used for the statistical analysis. The results showed a high level of inter-operator reliability, a statement which is supported by the high values of the intra-class correlation coefficient (both at the individual and collective level) and the small standardized typical error which were foundin this study. This study adds an innovative element of analysis consisting in the fact that the evaluation was carried out not only at the collective level but also at the individual level.

  • português

    Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o grau de fiabilidade inter-observador da empresa de analise desportivo VIDEOBSERVER ™. A amostra utilizada nesta investigação consistiu num jogo de futebol da final da Copa do mundo de 2014. Na recolha de dados registaram-se as informações de 28 jogadores, incluindo as ações dos guarda redes e jogadores substituídos durante o jogo. A construção desta pesquisa foi realizada em quatro fases: (i) Foi realizada uma revisão da literatura para definir o marco teórico e os procedimentos a serem seguidos; (ii) Criação de um sistema de analise com a ajuda de dois técnicos de superiores de desporto; (iii) Realizou-se um estudo piloto com o objetivo de verificar o funcionamento do sistema de observação; (iv) Execução do estudo principal estudo de validade observacional inter-observador. Para realizar a análise estatística utilizou-se os valores de índice kappa, o erro típico e coeficiente de correlação intra-clase. Os resultados obtidos mostram um elevado nível de fiabilidade inter-operador, esta afirmação é suportada pelos valores elevados do coeficiente de correlação intra-clase (tanto a nível individual como coletivo) e o reduzido erro-padrão obtido neste estudo. Este estudo adiciona um elemento de análise inovadora, que consiste no fato de que, no presente estudo não só de realizou uma validação a nível coletivo, mas também é feito a nível individual.

  • English

    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the degree of interobserver reliability for the sport analysis company VIDEOBSERVER™. The football match corresponding to the 2014 World Cup final was used as the sample for the study. Data were collected on 28 players, including the actions of the goalkeepers and the players substituted during the match. This study was carried out in four phases: (i) a revision of the literature was performed to define the theoretical frame-work and the procedures to be followed; (ii) an observation system was created with the help of two experienced sports analysis technicians; (iii) a pilot study was carried out with the aim of verifying the operativity of the observation system; and (iv) the main study of inter-observer reliability was developed. The values of the kappa index, the standardized typical error and the intra-class correlation coefficient were used for the statistical analysis. The results showed a high level of inter-operator reliability, a statement which is supported by the high values of the intra-class correlation coefficient (both at the individual and collective level) and the small standardized typical error which were found in this study. This study adds an innovative element of analysis consisting in the fact that the evaluation was carried out not only at the collective level but also at the individual level.

Fundación Dialnet

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