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Resumen de Shantytowns in the city of Barcelona: Can Valero, La Perona and El Carmel

Xavi Camino Vallhonrat, Oscar Casasayas Garbí, Flora Muñoz Romero, Pilar Díaz Giner, Max Díaz Molinaro, Mercè Tatjer, Cristina Larrea Killinger

  • Barcelona�s Shantytowns, existing from the beginning of the 20th century until their virtual eradication in time for the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games, were an urban phenomenon that played an important role in the city�s social and urban development. By means of Ethnohistorical research methodology using archives, field research, oral history and databases, researchers have been able to reconstruct the social life in three shanty towns and analyse the importance of these districts in the history of Barcelona. This is a summary of the dissertation titled Barraquisme. La ciutat (im)possible. Generalitat de Catalunya.

    Barcelona, 2011.

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