The Gender Poverty Gap During the Great Recession in Spain


  • Olga Cantó Universidad de Alcalá, Fctad. CC.EE. y Turismo, Madrid, España. E-mail:
  • Inmaculada Cebrián Universidad de Alcalá, Fctad. CC.EE. y Turismo, Madrid, España. E-mail:
  • Gloria Moreno Universidad de Alcalá, Fctad. CC.EE. y Turismo, Madrid, España. E-mail:



Poverty, Gender, Age, Spain.


The economic and social consequences of a recession are not homogeneous for all the population. This  paper analyzes the evolution of the gender poverty gap and the differences in labour market deprivation by gender during a deep economic recession in Spain. Our main aim is to provide a measure of the extent to which this gap and its trend depends on age. For that purpose, we study the position of females in the income distribution and we decompose three poverty and deprivation indicators by gender and age: the poverty risk, the risk of extreme poverty and the risk of living in a household where all active individuals are unemployed using information from the European Union Survey of Living Conditions (EUSILC) and the Spanish Labour Force Survey (LFS).


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