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Resumen de The Chameleonisation of Masculinity: Jimmy’s Multiple Performances of a Working-Class Self.

Michael Rhys Morgan Ward

  • español

    En este trabajo, a partir de observaciones etnográficas y con el estudio de caso de un joven de una clase obrera llamado Jimmy, exploro cómo se muestran las masculinidades múltiples a través de un proceso de camaleonización. Muestro que en una variedad de entornos, dentro y fuera de la escuela ya través de diferentes interacciones sociales, Jimmy navega entre numerosos conflictos con el fin de tratar de lograr el éxito académico, acceder a la educación superior y también convértirse en un atleta exitoso. Estos procesos se cumplen simultáneamente con las exigencias de lograr una forma socialmente valiosa de masculinidad formada en el marco de un contexto industrial. Este artículo sostiene que los hombres jóvenes de clase trabajadora no solo están encasillados a mostrar una forma masculinidad, sino quetambién tienen la capacidad de cambiar de formas y adoptar múltiples identidades. Sin embargo, este proceso está plagado de dificultades que se observa cuando tenemos que empezar a pensar en los hombres jóvenes que tienen la capacidad de mostrar múltiples masculinidades en varias ocasiones. Por tanto no somos el portador de un solo modelo de masculinidad global que se reproduce siempre y en todas partes de la misma forma.

  • English

    In this paper, drawing on ethnographic observations and using the case study of one working-class young man called Jimmy, I explore how multiple masculinities are displayed through a process of chameleonisation. Through outlining Jimmy’s transitions through post-compulsory education and his different social and cultural spaces, I illustrate the ways which he tries to conduct multiple performances of self. I show that in a variety of settings, with different actors and within different social interactions, Jimmy navigates between numerous conflicts in order to try and achieve both academically, with aspirations of processing into higher education and also as a successful athlete. These processes are simultaneously met with demands to achieve a socially valued form of masculinity that has been shaped by the former industrial heritage of the region. This paper argues that young working-class men are not locked into displaying just one performance of masculinity, but have the agency to switch between performances and to adopt multiple identities. However, this process which I term chameleonisation, is fraught with difficulties. This process illustrates how we must begin to think about young men having the ability to display multiple masculinities at various times, and are therefore not the barer of one all-encompassing masculinity that is always, and everywhere, the same. This process can be especially challenging for young working-class men who live in areas of economic change and want to be successful across different areas of their lives.

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