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Resumen de Finding Hidden Chemistry in Ancient Egyptian Artifacts: Pigment Degradation Taught in a Chemical Engineering Course

Javier Giménez

  • The main objective of this work was to show the application of the study of ancient technology and science on teaching (and learning) chemistry in Chemical Engineering Undergraduate studies. Degradation patterns of pigments used in Ancient Egypt were incorporated in the syllabus of the course entitled “Technological and Scientific Developments in Antiquity: Egypt and Near East” (TSDA) (Last year of the Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC). The case studies were discussed following 5 steps which might be a basis for the study of a large number of real cases: (1) Study of the history (Egyptology) related to the case; (2) reading of selected references; (3) description of the degradation pattern; (4) deduction of the chemical mechanism of the degradation; and (5) remediation procedures (if possible). The three degradation patterns observed in pigments used in Ancient Egypt might be used as examples for improving the teaching of chemistry for undergraduate students by applying chemical concepts to real cases in antiquity.

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