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Resumen de Fenómenos migratorios: una constante histótica

Elda González Martínez

  • español

    De una relevancia incuestionable en nuestros días, el fenómeno de la emigración ha impregnado durante siglos la vida de los pueblos. Hambrunas, crisis agrarias, presión demográfica y factores de índole ideológica son algunas de las causas por las que el hombre, en todas las épocas, se ha desplazado.

  • English

    People have been migrating since beginning of time. Throughout the ceturies different movements have occurred, but between the middle of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twntieth century 50 (fifty) million Europeans changes their places of origin for new homes, and the majority of them chose an American destination. Nowadays the process has changed direction and Europe has become the new destination for Thousands of people.

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