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Resumen de Evaluación de la calidad microbiológica y físico-química del río Xichú y aislamiento de microorganismos degradadores de triclosán en la reserva de la biósera sierra gorda de Guanajuato.

Claudia González, Gustavo de la Riva, Francisco Alejo, María Márquez

  • Samples of water and sediments from Xichu River in the north of the Guanajuato State were taken in order to evaluate the water quality and the isolation of microorganisms potentially triclosan resistant and removers. Water that is used primarily for human consumption and for agriculture but due to triclosan is actually included as active ingredient in many household products and discharged to wastewater conduced to river; it may increases bacterial resistance to antimicrobials. Recently it has been placed in the status emerging contaminant and it has been shown that this compound acts as an endocrine disruptor, causing damage to different organisms. Current treatments for the removal of xenobiotic as triclosan (TCS) are costly and inefficient, leaving these substances exposed terminals effluent stations Wastewater Treatment Microbial and biodegradation is an option to this problem. For the water quality, we identified total and fecal coliforms, E. coli, and the quantification of helminthes eggs. Also physicochemical analysis was performed to determine temperature, pH, CO., hardness, dissolved oxygen, nitrate, phosphate and total solids. For the selection of resistant organisms and degradative, bioassays were performed using minimal medium supplemented with triclosan (20 ppm ) and minimal medium containing triclosan as sole carbon source.

    The results suggest water pre-treatment is needed for human consumption and could be used for other purposes that do not compromise the health and balance of the ecological system.

    In other hand, the isolation of three bacteria strains capable degrading triclosan was achieved. Some biochemical test and colonial morphology was analyzed.

Fundación Dialnet

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