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Resumen de Research note: The marketin 'finance interface ' a new direction for tourism and hospitality management

SooCheong Jang, Chun-Hung (Hugo) Tang, Kwangmin Park, Li-Tzang (Jane) Hsu

  • For the last several decades, marketing research and finance research have developed with little interconnection. Traditionally, marketing research has emphasized the product market and finance research has focused on firm profitability and shareholder value. However, contemporary management strategies increasingly seek to enhance profitability and shareholder value via marketing strategies, which suggests the need for further exploration of the connections between marketing efforts and financial performance. Despite this increased attention, little research in the academic fields of tourism and hospitality has focused on bridging marketing and finance. Thus, the main purpose of this study is to introduce the concept of the marketing�finance interface and to explain possible applications of the concept in tourism and hospitality management.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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