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Resumen de Vacunación frente a la gripe estacional en la infancia y la adolescencia: Recomendaciones del CAV-AEP para la campaña 2011-2012

David Moreno Pérez, Javier Arístegui Fernández, Jesús Ruiz Contreras, Francisco José Álvarez García, Manuel Merino Moína, José González-Hachero, Josep María Corretger Rauet, Teresa Hernández-Sampelayo Matos, Luis Ortigosa del Castillo, María José Cilleruelo Ortega

  • The Advisory Committee on Vaccines of the Spanish Association of Paediatrics establishes annual recommendations on influenza vaccination in childhood before the onset of influenza season. Routine influenza vaccination is particularly beneficial when the strategy is aimed at children older than 6 months of age with high-risk conditions and their home contacts. The recommendation of influenza vaccination in health workers with children is also emphasized.

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