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Resumen de Educaçao terapêutica para a pacientes com dermatite atópica e seus cuidadores: uma revisao sistemática

Robson Zazula, Márcia Cristina Caserta Gon, Bruna Del Giudice Machado, Lucimara Cristina Frasson Pontes, Priscila Andrade, Renata García de Almeida Moraes

  • English

    Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic skin condition of unknown etiology that commonly affects children. In last years, the AD’s incidence increased in world-wide. The most common symptoms are a red, imfl amed and itchy rash in skin and can be treated by the use of topical drugs, like ointments, creams and, in some cases, systemic drugs, like injections. In order to avoid recurrences, therapy should be maintained, and it is mandatory to establish treatment routines to control symptoms. Frequently, keeping an adherence to prescribed therapy is a challenge to patients and caregivers. One strategy that has been proposed as an effective way to enhance adherence to medical prescriptions in AD is therapeutic education programs (TE). These programs consist of advice and motivation techniques applied to patients and caregivers, in order to improve compliance with medical recommendations, and give them a better quality of life. The goal of the present study is to evaluate the quality of scientific evidences that support these programs, especially for children and adolescents with AD and their caregivers. A systematic review of studies about TE in children and adolescents with AD, published between 2000 and 2010, was performed. From 115 articles identifi ed and analysed by the authors, nine were considered eligible for this review. In these studies, the main objective was to evaluate efficacy of intervention programs by using different variables as quality of life indexes, amount of skincare products applied to skin, and degree of knowledge and information about the disease. All studies included parents and/or caregivers and in seven studies included them and the children and/or adolescents with AD. Six studies used as research design a prospective, randomized controlled trial, one a randomized controlled multicenter trial, one a single case research design and another one didn’t specify the research designed adopted. Seven studies made 1-year-follow-up assessment. This discrepancy of methods used in each study does not permit the comparison of outcomes. Furthermore, the paucity of information describing applied methods and the contents of each intervention session make any attempt of study replication by other authors a difficult task. Despite these limitations, outcomes from research point to the effectiveness of educational programs directed to children and adolescents with AD and their caregivers.

  • português

    A dermatite atópica (DA) é uma doença crônica de pele, de etiologia desconhecida e com maior incidência na infância, o que exige o estabelecimento de rotinas de tratamento para evitar a recorrência dos sintomas.

    Uma difi culdade no controle adequado da doença é a baixa adesão ao tratamento pelos pacientes e seus cuidadores. Com o objetivo de obter uma melhora na qualidade de vida, programas de educação terapêutica (ET) têm sido propostos como forma efi caz de aumentar a adesão ao tratamento. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a qualidade das evidências científi cas que dão suporte à indicação da implantação de programas de ET para crianças ou adolescentes com DA e/ou seus cuidadores. Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática de pesquisas empíricas publicadas entre 2000 e 2010, que utilizaram como estratégia de intervenção a ET com essas famílias. Nove artigos foram selecionados entre os 115 localizados. Constatou-se que diferentes variáveis, como quantidade de medicamentos utilizados, qualidade de vida e nível de conhecimento e informação sobre a doença foram investigadas. Além disso, observa-se ausência de descrições detalhadas dos procedimentos, o que difi culta a sua replicação. Apesar destas limitações, os resultados obtidos indicam eficácia de programas de ET direcionados a essa população.

Fundación Dialnet

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