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Resumen de A New Noon-Exercise-Based VO2Max Prediction Equation for Aerobically Trained Men

Moh H. Malek, Terry J. Housh, Dale E. Berger, Jared W. Coburn, Travis W. Beck

  • The purposes of the present study were to (a) modify previously published V O2max equations using the constant error (CE 5 mean difference between actual and predicted V O2max) values from Malek et al. (28); (b) cross-validate the modified equations to determine their accuracy for estimating V O2max in aerobically trained men; (c) derive a new non� exercise-based equation for estimating V O2max in aerobically trained men if the modified equations are not found to be accurate;

    and (d) cross-validate the new V O2max equation using the predicted residual sum of squares (PRESS) statistic and an independent sample of aerobically trained men. One hundred and fifty-two aerobically trained men (V O2max mean ± SD = 4,154 ± 629 ml·min-1) performed a maximal incremental test on a cycle ergometer to determine actual V O2max. An aerobically trained man was defined as someone who had participated in continuous aerobic exercise 3 or more sessions per week for a minimum of 1 hour per session for at least the past 18 months.

    Nine previously published V O2max equations were modified for use with aerobically trained men. The predicted V O2max values from the 9 modified equations were compared to actualV O2max by examining the CE, standard error of estimate (SEE), validity coefficient (r), and total error (TE). Cross-validation of the modified non�exercise-based equations on a random subsample of 50 subjects resulted in a %TE $ 13% of the mean of actualVÿ O2max.

    Therefore, the following non�exercise-based Vÿ O2max equation was derived from a random subsample of 112 subjects: Vÿ O2max (ml·min21) 5 27.387(weight in kg) 1 26.634(height in cm) 2 27.572(age in years) 1 26.161(h·wk21 of training) 1 114.904(intensity of training using the Borg 6�20 scale) 1 506.752(natural log of years of training) 2 4,609.791 (R 5 0.82, R2 adjusted 5 0.65, and SEE 5 378 ml·min21). Cross-validation of this equation on the remaining sample of 40 subjects resulted in a %TE of 10%. Therefore, the non�exercise-based equation derived in the present study is recommended for estimating Vÿ O2max in aerobically trained men.

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