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Resumen de La comunicación como nexo. Repensar las preguntas para una práctica feminista emancipatoria

Ana María Jorge Alonso

  • The trends of thought which have formulated the analysis and guidelines for women´s emancipation have specifically ecountered an impediment, a limit for those emancipation processes.

    This limit, which is widely known as the Glass Ceiling, has its major opposition in the economic field. The approach to the feminist thought in this paper is formulated from a materialist point of view. Our analysis focuses on the fact that human emancipation is impossible in the capitalism framework and also with regard to women. We intend to show the opaque relationship between capitalism and democracy and how this opacity has allowed Communication to be placed in the heart of economic power as well as in the intersections between politic power and symbolic and cultural power in a new phase of capitalism which may be called inmaterial capitalism.

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