Analysis of the Entrepreneurial Profile from a Gender Perspective


  • Fernando J. Fuentes García Departamento de Estadística, Investigación Operativa, Organización de Empresas y Economía Aplicada Universidad De Córdoba, España e-mail:
  • Sandra Mª Sánchez Cañizares Departamento de Estadística, Investigación Operativa, Organización de Empresas y Economía Aplicada Universidad De Córdoba, España e-mail:



Entrepreneurship, Woman, Gender Differences.


The entrepreneurship is a driving force of the innovation and the economic growth. To pay special attention to the implication of the women in this field becomes inevitable since they are a social group of relevant position in what is referred to companies’ creation. It is necessary to study the gender differences in depth in the figure of the potential enterpriser, their psycho-sociological features, the incentives and the principal obstacles that the women find when initiating a business activity. The main objective of this article focuses in analyzing these differences, being based on an empirical study accomplished in a wide sample of university students, source of potential entrepreneurs. The obtained results suggest a lower enterprising initiative in the women; they also consider in a major way the fear to the failure as an obstacle for thinking in a company's creation. Furthermore, the gender attributes correlated to a higher probability to undertake this type of project in the future are different.


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