Claudia Rausell-Kóster e-mail(Login required) , Eva Espinar-Ruiz e-mail(Login required) , Cristina González-Díaz e-mail(Login required) , Jesús Ortiz-Díaz-Guerra e-mail(Login required)

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Claudia Rausell-Kóster e-mail(Login required)
Eva Espinar-Ruiz e-mail(Login required)
Cristina González-Díaz e-mail(Login required)
Jesús Ortiz-Díaz-Guerra e-mail(Login required)


The main objective of this article is to analyse the social values present in beverage commercials broadcasted on Spanish television during 2006. We analyse the presence of values beside their commercial function. We have analysed 191 commercials; considering the values attributed to the product, and to the consumer. Health, the youth, sociability and differentiated personalities are some of the main values and ideals broadcasted by commercials.


Value, Commercial, Beverage, Consumer, Product, Television


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