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Resumen de Los depredadores y parasitoides como agentes de control de plagas de cultivos frutícolas

Dolors Bosch Serra, María José Sarasúa Saucedo, Jesús Avilla Hernández

  • The persistence of the orchard agroecosystem in space and time, and the presence of vegetation within the orchard and in the surroundings favour the establishment of relatively stable prey-predator and host-parasiotid relationships and, hence, successful biological control. On the other hand, the low economic thresholds for some pests make it more difficult. The biological control of European Red Mite (Panonychus ulmi) by phytoseiid mites (mainly Amblyseius andersoni) present in the orchard is well established. The biological control of pear psylla (Cacopsylla pyri) may be done by a complex of parasitoids and predators, but it must always be complemented with cultural measures to avoid the excessive growth of the tree. The conservation and augmentation of the natural enemies of secondary pests (mainly leafrollers and leaf miners) must be always envisaged.

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