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Resumen de Evolución de la vegetación durante el peistoceno superior y el holoceno en el valle alto del río Lozoya. Yacimiento arqueopaleontológico de la cueva de la Buena Pinta (Pinilla del Valle. Sistema Central Español)

María Blanca Ruiz Zapata

  • Pollen and non-pollen palynomorphs analysis of upper Pleistocene and Holocene Buena Pinta cave sediments of the in the Calvero de la Higuera (Pinilla del Valle. Madrid) archaeopaleontological site has been conducted. The results shows a vegetation dynamics from the pollen diagrams can be correlated with the vegetation progressive evolution of an open landscape as adaptation to the installation of hot and dry character climatic conditions. Nivel-3 of sequence is dated by OSL is 63.451±5.509 years no cal.; radiocarbon dating of 14C locates its development, before 4.940 ± 40 years BP.

Fundación Dialnet

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