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Resumen de Nota sobre la presencia de una sucesión cretácica en el Macizo de Las Ubiñas (Cordillera Cantábrica). Implicaciones tectónicas y geomorfológicas.

Juan Luis Alonso Alonso

  • This paper describes the stratigraphy and structural setting of a new outcrop of Cretaceous sands and clays located in the center of the exposure of Palaeozoic rocks in the Cantabrian Zone. This isolated outcrop of Cretaceous rocks provides information on the uplift and structural imprint of the Variscan basement during the Alpine times. Thus, the uplift of the Ubiñas Massif, 400m above the regional level of summits, is the result of a reverse fault, which overrides the Cretaceous succession.

Fundación Dialnet

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